Fitness Articles and Resources

Smiling seniors flexing muscles

"Will This Help With MY Goals?"

June 17, 20231 min read

You might be wondering if you'll get the support and guidance in a group program to accomplish your personal health and fitness goals.

I get it! You want to know that your investment will actually mean you'll lose the weight you want to lose, build the habits you envision having, or get stronger and fitter.

That's why we offer personalized coaching support INCLUDED in your group membership.

You don't pay extra for this! You get a direct line of communication to your coach.

If you're ever lost about what to eat during vacation..
If you have questions about the workouts..
If you're trying to figure out how to meal prep..

You can text your coach, and they'll get back to you.

But not only that…during classes, our coaches will make sure the workouts are personalized to your unique fitness level and orthopedic needs.

We'll all be doing the same workout, but there are modification the coaches will make on the spot to help you continue to challenge yourself (while keeping you safe) and put you on track to reaching your results.

Our 90-day program is the best of both worlds.

You get to be in a supportive group community AND you get personalized coaching and guidance from our coaches.

In 90 days, you'll lose weight, gain strength, and learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle long-term.

To join our 90-Day Health and Fitness Program, click below to learn more.

health and fitness goalsget strongerweight losshealthy habitspersonalized coachingpersonalized supportinvestmentinvest in your healthstay safenutrition guidance
Owner and founder of Desert Fitness Collective


Owner and founder of Desert Fitness Collective

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Get to know each other. Learn about our program. Get a personalized plan.


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Exercise at least 3x/wk, follow our nutrition steps, communicate with your coach.


Follow Our Plan

Exercise at least 3x/wk, follow our nutrition steps, communicate with your coach.


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Reach Your Goal

Love the way you look, feel strong, fit, and live life on your terms!

About Us

We help seniors take the guesswork out of exercise so they can achieve their fitness goals. With our coaching program, you will confidently workout, nourish your body, and stay committed to your goals, without spending a fortune on a personal trainer.

Do you want help transforming your body and fitness?

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2024 Copyright © Desert Fitness Collective: Senior Fitness in Palm Desert

About Us

We’ll help you take the guesswork out of staying in shape so you can achieve your fitness goals. With our coaching program, you will confidently exercise, meal plan, and stay committed to your goals, without spending a fortune on a personal trainer.

Do you want help to transform your body and fitness?

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2022 Copyright © Desert Fitness Collective